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How to transfer data from one iPhone to another if one is broken?

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How do I transfer data from one iPhone to another if one is broken?

If your iPhone is broken and you're worried about losing your data, iBoard Repair has a comprehensive solution that allows you to transfer all your important information to a new device once the recovery process is complete. Here's how we help you move your data seamlessly from your damaged iPhone to a new one from the backup we provide on a flashdrive.

Remember, you can also view this info in more detail and with a video at our "Your Recovered Data" section.


What You Will Receive:

When you receive your package from iBoard Repair, it includes a storage device containing:


  • Parsed Out User Data: Individual folders for different types of data like photos, videos, contacts, and more, labeled under folders such as "ultdata."

  • Full iPhone Backup: An iTunes backup file that can restore all your data to a new phone.


A detailed guide on where to place the iTunes backup on your computer is also included, with separate instructions for PC and Mac users, ensuring you can proceed with ease regardless of your operating system.


Placing Your iTunes Backup:


  • Locate the Backup Folder: On a PC, the iTunes backup should be placed in \Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup. You can quickly access this by typing %appdata% in the search bar.

    • New Backup Folder Location: If you are using the new version of iTunes from the Microsoft Store, the location is in \Users\[USERNAME]\Apple\MobileSync\Backup​

  • Setup the Backup Folder: If the folder doesn't exist because no backups were previously made on the computer, simply start a backup of any iPhone to create it.


  • Drag and Drop: Once the folder is ready, drag and drop your provided iTunes backup into this directory.

​To restore the data to a new iPhone:


Connect to iTunes: Open iTunes and connect your new iPhone. Click on the device icon that appears.


Start the Restoration: Click on "Restore Backup," select your backup from the dropdown menu by checking the "Last Backed Up" date, and initiate the restoration.


Additional Tips:

  • File Compatibility: If you encounter file types like .mov or .heic that aren't opening on your PC, consider viewing them on a Mac or downloading a file converter.


  • App Reinstallation: Remember, while data like photos and messages will be restored, you will need to manually reinstall 3rd party apps from the App Store.


Finish Up:

Once the restoration process begins, it may take several hours depending on the size of the backup. After completion, your new iPhone will mirror the data from your old device, effectively transferring all your important information.

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Due at work completion


You will be sent an invoice to your email that can be paid with any credit / debit card at the time of work completion. Payment is due at that time. Please do not send the phone if you will not be prepared to make the payment. At 14 days of non-payment, a 2 percent late fee will be added every day until payment is made.  



Only send your device if you know the passcode with 100% certainty. If access to your data is denied because of incorrect passcode, you will still be charged full price.

Aaron Harrington

1814 Rosemont Cir
San Jacinto, CA 92583

Tel: 714.900.6098

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