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How We Provide Data

iPhone Data Recovery Partner Program

Expand Your Services and Drive More Business with Our Exclusive iPhone Data Recovery Partner Program

Join our Partner Program and unlock the potential to grow your business by offering iPhone data recovery services. Benefit from our already established expertise and resources.  Optimize your revenue stream and attract more customers in need of these specialized services.

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Program Overview

Benefits of Joining the Partner Program:

Welcome to the iBoard Repair Partner Program. Our goal is to provide businesses an iPhone data recovery service that they can add to their existing service catalog. iPhone Repair Shops and HDD Data Recovery Companies are welcome to join. We provide the tools, resources, and support you need to succeed. By joining our program, you'll enjoy benefits such as:

  • $150 discount from any advertised pricing.

  • Access to our network of industry experts and resources.

  • Increased customer leads and referrals.

  • Increased reputation and credibility by offering an exclusive service.

  • Improved online visibility through optimized Google My Business listings.

How Our Partner Program Works:
  1. Sign up for the iBoard Repair Partner Program.

  2. Receive discounted pricing or referral bonuses, as well as quarterly prizes for top partners. 

  3. Enjoy increased revenue and customer satisfaction with our iPhone data recovery services.


Checklist completion is not required to join the program. (Terms and Conditions Apply, subject to change at any time).

The Intake Process:
  1. When you are ready to send a device, fill out the intake for at our home page.

  2. Receive a prepaid FedEx 2-day shipping label.

  3. Send the device to iBoard Repair​

  4. Wait for the 'data recovery is successful' email. 

  5. Make payment via invoice.

  6. Shipment will be sent back with data available in a wide variety of formats. Check the Using Your Backup page for details.

  7. Return device and data to customer.

Partner Locations Map

Second Life Repair - Pine Bush, NY

ClickAway - San Jose, CA

A1 Phone Repair - Loves park, IL

The Fix - The Woodlands, TX

Elite Tech Pros - Houston, TX

Complete Our Setup Checklist! 

We're committed to helping you succeed in offering iPhone data recovery services. This is not required to join the program. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Join our Partner Program: Sign up for our iPhone Data Recovery Partner Program and complete the registration process.

  2. Optimize your Google My Business (GMB) listing: Follow our step-by-step GMB optimization guide, which includes updating your business name (if it is appropriate), categories, description, services, and more.

  3. Add your business to our map: Provide your business information to be included on our interactive map of partner locations.

  4. Create a GMB post with our partnership announcement: Include a picture if you can. You may include this description in the post or are free to create your own, "We're proud to announce our partnership with iBoard Repair, the industry-leading iPhone data recovery specialists! Now offering fast, reliable, and professional iPhone data recovery services to our valued customers, we can help you retrieve precious photos, important documents, and essential data from your water-damaged or broken iPhones. Trust our certified team to handle your device with care and use state-of-the-art microsoldering techniques to ensure the highest success rates in data recovery. Experience the peace of mind that comes with our top-notch iPhone data recovery services!"

  5. Promote your partnership: Update your website to showcase your partnership with iBoard Repair and the new iPhone data recovery services you offer. Include a link back to iBoard Repair somewhere on your website.

  6. Send us a message and we will inspect your GMB listing and website.


Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to grow your business and attract new customers!

Google My Business Optimization Guide:

Follow these steps to optimize your Google My Business listing for iPhone data recovery services:

  1. Update business name (if applicable): If your current business name doesn't include "iPhone Data Recovery," consider adding it to your GMB listing. For example, if the original name is "XYZ iPhone Repair," you can change it to "XYZ iPhone Repair & Data Recovery" on your GMB listing. This helps google recommend locals customers. This step, while important, is ultimately optional.

  2. Update categories: Add or update categories relevant to iPhone data recovery services, such as "Data Recovery Service" and "iPhone Data Recovery Service."

  3. Update business description: Revise your business description to include information about your iPhone data recovery services.

  4. Add relevant services: Add 'iPhone data recovery' and 'Data Recovery' as a service you offer in the "Services" section of your GMB dashboard.

  5. Share data recovery-related posts: Use the "Posts" feature on GMB to share updates, success stories, and promotional offers related to iPhone data recovery services.

  6. Upload relevant photos: Add high-quality images showcasing your data recovery services, such as images of the recovery process, equipment, or iBoard Repair certification.

  7. Encourage customer reviews: Ask satisfied customers to leave reviews on your GMB listing and respond to these reviews professionally. 


By implementing these steps, you can optimize your Google My Business listing for iPhone data recovery services, helping you reach a wider audience and attract more customers. You are missing out on iPhone Data Recovery jobs if these techniques are not implemented.

Local Citation Websites (extra credit)

In addition to optimizing your Google My Business listing, partners should submit their business information to local citation websites. Here's a list of some popular citation websites you can start with:

  1. Yelp (

  2. Bing Places (

  3. Foursquare (

  4. Yellow Pages (

  5. Manta (

  6. (

  7. Citysearch (

  8. Chamber of Commerce (

  9. Hotfrog (

  10. Brownbook (

These are just examples, and there are others. For each of these websites, partners should create a profile and provide accurate and consistent business information, including their business name, address, phone number, website, and a brief description of their services. Additionally, you should mention your expertise in iPhone data recovery services, or your partnership with iBoard Repair.

By optimizing your Google My Business listings and submitting your business information to local citation websites, you can improve your local SEO and attract more customers to your businesses.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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Due at work completion


You will be sent an invoice to your email that can be paid with any credit / debit card at the time of work completion. Payment is due at that time. Please do not send the phone if you will not be prepared to make the payment. At 14 days of non-payment, a 2 percent late fee will be added every day until payment is made. 




Only send your device if you know the passcode with 100% certainty. If access to your data is denied because of incorrect passcode, you will still be charged full price.

Aaron Harrington

1814 Rosemont Cir
San Jacinto, CA 92583

Tel: 714.900.6098

Privacy Policy


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